Monday, June 18, 2007

EARTH ABIDES by George R. Stewart

I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic stories: I finished Cormac McCarthy's The Road a few weeks ago, and loved it. I planned to write a review, but I didn't know what I could say that hadn't already been said: It is great; it is science fiction; read it. Enough? Stephen King's The Stand made me forget its 1,000-plus pages and truly ushered me into a world that I not only enjoyed, but wanted to experience more of--no slim feat for such a long tale. I Am Legend by Richard Matheson is a classic. I even enjoyed James Herbert's '48.

You may be asking yourself: What's the point? The point is, my review of the classic post-apocalyptic novel Earth Abides by George R. Stewart is live and online at SFReader.

Earth Abides is advertised as one of the best post-apocalyptic stories ever written, and while I wouldn't go nearly that far, it is an interesting read. The prose, at times, feels a tad archaic--much older than its original publishing date of 1949--and the story can be frustratingly slow, but overall there are a good many ideas in this novel that are still applicable today, and those ideas alone, make Earth Abides a worthwhile read.

Click Here to read the entire review at SFReader.

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